Keep grinding

(blue, green and red)

Azure Administrator:
- Vnet, storage, compute, security, monitor, governance
- Powershell, ps1, Azure CLI, bash
- MySql, InfluxDb, IP21
- Telegraf, Cogent
- Basic
- Zabbix
- RabbitMQ
- Shovel
You have decided now

What you should prioritize learning, 5 min can be enough.

You cannot chase two rabbits, you will not catch any. There is enough rabbits now.

Learn faster, AI for concepts and code, store on github under AI-tutorials.

This is what it is all about

The Linux Command Line by William Shotts

MySql on Linux with Telegraf keep grinding

  • Learn Mysql good on Linux with Telegraf ETL, 3-in-1, vmdocker01
  • Then translate all this to Azure Database for MySQL with a different ETL tool.

Zabbix and Linux by Zabbix agent (templates) learn monitoring (2 vms) keep grinding

  • Used for testing and learning stuff, vmzabbix02, vmdocker01

Telegraf keep grinding

SQLPlus keep grinding

  • To use table as var, use update and not insert. Test it for empty get, update num 1, update num 1 set, then num 2, not insert.
  • Infact update all SQLPlus files and add more from docs and test IP21


  • Add more from docs and test IP21

OPC UA Telegraf Cogent

  • Is very relevant

AMQP, RabbitMQ, MQTT as UNS, Unified Namespace

  • Is very relvant
  • Telegraf is the way to go

Azure Administrator resource tutorials keep grinding

On each resource in Azure there is a tutorials tab, take them (Vm, network, storage, backup, restore, etc)

  • Store those on e-lo, not github. Just for doing and not reference like quickguides and others
  • Vnet, storage, compute, security, monitor, governance
  • Powershell, ps1, Azure CLI, bash

If you are not motivated, search MS learn tutorials

To get points and use just some minutes, do the learn

Browse all courses, learning paths, and modules – Training | Microsoft Learn

Other tutorials for later

Prioritize wisely and move them up to focus area, but do not change domain more now

Keep bread and butter.

When it is done, add it to last section.

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