Below are some quotes from Meditations. They’re all reminders, originally to self, but now to us to make the most of this life, to expend time on only what is essential, to stop wasting time.
“Stop wandering about! You aren’t likely to read your own notebooks, or ancient histories, or the anthologies you’ve collected to enjoy in your old age. Get busy with life’s purpose, toss aside empty hopes, get active in your own rescue-if you care for yourself at all-and do it while you can.”
Marcus Aurelius
Stop Wasting Time. 50 Reminders From One of History’s Most Powerful Figures (
- Put people first.
- Never be overheard complaining
- Do only what’s essential.
- Waste no time worrying about other people’s opinions.
- Focus on effort, not outcomes.
- Ask this question.
- Choose sympathy over outrage.
- Blow your own nose.
- Let go of anxiety.
- Do the more difficult thing.
- Wake up early.
- Be strict with yourself and tolerant of others.
- […]
19 Rules For A Better Life (From Marcus Aurelius) –
- 1gr protein per kg bodyweight
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Be physically active
- Eat a healthful diet
- Emotional health (good relationships)
Without genetics…..
6 Lessons From The World’s Fittest 100-Year-Old (
- 1gr protein per kg bodyweight
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Be physically active
- Eat a healthful diet
- Limit alcohol consumption.
- Eat a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and beans.
- Limit “fast” foods.
- Limit red and processed meat.
- Limit sugar-sweetened drinks.
- Avoiding tobacco and excess sun exposure
Michio Kushi

reference Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health