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- Sudo apt update or append -y?
- Influxdb and telegraf agent
- Influxdb dashboard (v2.7.8) and admin
- UTC time and normalize all dates and times to this timezone when they enter the system
- Influxdb and Python agent
- Influxdb download
- Azure Update Manager for vm
- Docker rabbitmq x 1 update version –rebuild
- HOW TO TUNNEL OPC DA – OUTBOUND *remote config
- OIDC Integration
- Create and merge a certificate signing request in Key Vault
- Powerpoint cartoon
- Bash on windows
- Zabbix minor update easy (apache2 also?)
- MS SQL Server 2022 Express with SSMS
- Cloud mini nutshell
- DB Browser for SQLite encryption
- No mouse
- failed to accept an incoming connection
- Kusto filter only app logs *
- Bear market’s
- Azure Function Python step 7 debug*
- Zabbix API
- urllib Package
- mongoDB TBD
- Lua TBD
- Why?
- A sample Prometheus and Grafana stack
- Zabbix in a nutshell
- Procdump
- 14.9.2 Boolean Full-Text Searches
- Checkmk (one line?)
- EDX IBM LX0117EN Linux Commands & Shell Scripting Exam (29$)
- Design network solutions
- Azure ACI docker registry 102
- Prove than an API is slow, wireshark
- Test pdf
- Azure ACI docker 101
- Containerize a Python application docker pri
- Docker rabbitmq x2 ssl Certificate Authority PKI
- Docker zabbix pri
- Action required 29.02.2024: Migrate classic application insights resources to workspace-based application insights
- Tutorial: Migrate Azure Database for MySQL – Single Server to Flexible Server online using DMS via the Azure portal
- Linux CSR
- Zabbix passive vs active pri
- Docker: be efficient
- Zabbix trigger dependency
- Docker rabbitmq x2 (*3-12 to 3-13)
- Docker rabbitmq ssl
- Docker compose ssl
- Docker compose
- Docker: Why you shouldn’t use ENV variables for secret data
- Docker bind mounts
- NSG Flow Logs Traffic Analytics
- Docker volume data move
- Docker volume (Volumes are the preferred by Docker containers.)
- Docker extension VSC, terminal split
- Docker run
- NSG Flow logs
- Docker