Code setup

Try to always use Python, Powershell and Github for “things”, TODO notes, write them in Python in Notepad ++

Most of the code should be focused on Python and Powershell.

Quick sheets Python, AMQP, Powershell, Github, SQLPLus, BASH:

spawnmarvel/quickguides: quickguides, markdown, nutshell reference (

Think automation and monitoring, embrace the 5 min you have and tutorials.

Some of the things I have done or not done, spent time on or not spent time, liked or not liked, tested or not tested, used hours on or just minutes on, changed or not changed, started to enjoy or changed my mind about, started and finished or started but not finished, found out or not found out yet, could be stored here.

Backup name




Usually it has been done before and / or there is best practices, the key is to dismantle it and understand its’s pieces.

Cloud shell

Store all your file here

Azure top down

IPV 6 sucks

Resolve it with tcp viewer option

VSC Py, ARM, Ps1 extensions:

  • Magic Python (MagicStack Inc.), syntax highlighter
  • Python, IntelliSense
  • TODO highlights
  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools for Visual Studio Code (MS)
  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools – Visual Studio Marketplace
  • PowerShell

Tools and ssh

  • Git Bash: GIT, Curl, SSH (or with Putty), BASH, NANO
    • ssh user@IP-adr (or host), ssh -l user@IP-adr (or host)
    • sudo tail -f log
    • sudo /bin/su –
    • password
    • exit
  • Azure Cli or Powershell: Install-Module -Name Az
  • Greenshot
  • Np++, Plugin: XML Tools, Compare
  • BareTail
  • NSSM


  • A space at the end can ruin your day (either strip() | ” ” replace “” np+
  • pip(3) –version
  • python –version
  • import sys
  • print(sys.version)


  • __pycache__ directories
  • Python is an interpreted language, the source code is compiled into a set of instructions that can be understood by the CPU at runtime. (Source code is compiled into bytecode, and the executed by Python virtual machine.
  • This bytecode is cached and stored in .pyc files, next runtime, cache files are picked up and the run is faster.
  • If the source code is changed, the bytecode compilation will happen again and the .pyc will be regenerated.
  • Therefore, a __pychache__ directory is created storing all the .pyc files in the same structure as the original source code.
  • We get some seconds extra

Linux (Linux System Admin Command):





Game or fun:


Azure “good-to-know” about any VM, with example on SKU:General purpose virtual machine sizes:

Ever wondered why?

A factor is considered the root cause of a problem if removing it prevents the problem from recurring. A causal factor, conversely, is one that affects an event’s outcome, but is not the root cause. Although removing a causal factor can benefit an outcome, it does not prevent its recurrence with certainty.
The causal factor isn’t the single factor that drove the event. Instead, a causal factor was one of a few influences. The event could still occur again, or would have happened without the causal factor.

Identify Possible Causes:

This can be done in a brainstorm session. Start with the problem definition and ask “why?” it happened. Keep on asking “why?” repetitively until you have found the root cause.

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