Socratic Questioning in Psychology

Socratic Questioning in Psychology: Examples and Techniques ( art of conversation both are responsible for pushing the dialogue forward and uncovering truths Socratic Questioning Defined Socratic method, often described as the cornerstone of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy By using a series of focused yet open questions, we can unpack our beliefs and those of others

Leviathan Thomas Hobbes Leviathan rigorously argues that civil peace and social unity are best achieved by the establishment of a commonwealth through social contract. Hobbes’s ideal commonwealth is ruled by a sovereign power responsible for protecting the security of the commonwealth and granted absolute authority to ensure the common defense. In his introduction, Hobbes describes this commonwealth […]

Social Contract Theory 1. Socrates’ Argument

In the early Platonic dialogue, Crito, Socrates makes a compelling argument as to why he must stay in prison and accept the death penalty, rather than escape and go into exile in another Greek city. He personifies the Laws of Athens, and, speaking in their voice, explains that he has acquired an overwhelming obligation to […]

Social Contract Theory

Social contract theory is rightly associated with modern moral and political theory and is given its first full exposition and defense by Thomas Hobbes. After Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are the best known proponents of this enormously influential theory, which has been one of the most dominant theories within moral and political theory […]