5 min Azure Storage Explorer blob (Anonymous and SAS) web

Azure Storage Explorer – behandling av skylagring | Microsoft Azure Upload, download, and manage data with Azure Storage Explorer Connect Azure Storage Explorer to a storage account * Storage Explorer is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux * It’s easy to connect to and manage multiple storage accounts. * The interface lets you connect to […]

5 min Security Management Identity Azure

Scenario:Before: VM1 code, config, user cred/connection to SQL1New: Azure keyvault for storing, but VM1 needs access to key vault, hm…better way? No keys? Kan we have zero secrets in the code?Azure Managed Identity System assigned management identity User assigned management identity System assigned management identity (1 to 1) VM1(source)->Identity->System assigned->enable SQL1 (target)-> IAM->Add role assignment-> […]

5 min Azure vnet, vm and dynamic/static ip

Microsoft Azure by default has a dynamic assignment of a public IP address to a newly-created VM unless we change it to be static. Public IP enables communication to Azure VM from the internet. Assigning a static public IP address ensures that the address never changes as opposed to the dynamic public IP address. The dynamic […]

5 min Azure event hub with Python SDK (con str)

Event Hubs: Azure Event Hubs is a highly scalable publish-subscribe service that can ingest millions of events per secondand stream them into multiple applications. This lets you process and analyze the massive amounts ofdata produced by your connected devices and applications. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-features Event Hubs frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions – Azure Event Hubs | […]

5 Min Azure Backup

So we have our fs in WE from the previous tutorial: Now let’s create a backup for it. Go to Portal-> Create Recovery Services vault Location is extremely important, vault has to be in same region as resource. Region: Select the geographic region for the vault. For you to create a vault to help protect […]

5 min Create and configure an Azure Files shares connect with Python SDK (con str)

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-how-to-create-file-share?tabs=azure-portal Questions to think about:What are the performance requirements for your Azure file share?What are your redundancy requirements for your Azure file share?What size file share do you need? File share type: SMB connect SMB protocol 3 or higher Create a storage account:BasicsGeneral purpose version 2 (GPv2) storage accounts: HDD-based, ++FileStorage storage accounts: SSD-based, ++ […]

System Administrator

Develop fast. Stay secure Snyk | Developer security | Develop fast. Stay secure. Open Web Application Security Project OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks | OWASP SETSPN -a host/alias_name targetserverSETSPN -a host/alias_name.contoso.com targetserver Can’t access SMB file server – Windows Server | Microsoft Docs Tcp viewer or netstat -ano | find “1234” | find […]

5 min Create and configure blob storage with a container and access it with SAS

https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/blob/master/Instructions/Labs/LAB_07-Manage_Azure_Storage.md Task 2: Create and configure Azure Storage accounts, follow the steps in the URL (If you need to)Task 3: Manage blob storageTask 4: Manage authentication and authorization for Azure Storage Task 2 : So we have our rg and storage account ready, let’s add a blob container az104-07-rg1 az10407storageaccount On the networking tab, we […]

5 min Create and configure an Azure Files shares stored on VM

Task 5: Create and configure an Azure Files sharesIn this task, you will create and configure Azure Files shares and use a VM to store them https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/blob/master/Instructions/Labs/LAB_07-Manage_Azure_Storage.md To create an Azure file share, you need to answer three questions about how you will use it:What are the performance requirements for your Azure file share?hard-disk HDD […]