Azure network watcher

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Azure Network Watcher | Microsoft Learn Monitoring Diagnostics Logging VM linuxwesteurope01, vnet004798, default2 ( Network watcher Network diagnostics tools Cmd to get google Ipv4 Connection troubleshoot Network Watcher | Connection troubleshoot Connection Troubleshoot provides the capability to check a direct TCP or ICMP connection from a virtual machine (VM), application […]

Az Lab 02a Management groups (policy and initiative definition)

AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/ at master · MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator · GitHub Implemented Management GroupsCreated custom RBAC rolesAssigned RBAC roles What are Azure management groups? Organize your resources with management groups – Azure Governance – Azure governance | Microsoft Learn If your organization has many Azure subscriptions, you may need a way to efficiently manage access, policies, and compliance for […]

AZ Lab Azure Manage Azure Active Directory Identities (and bulk updates)

AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/ at master · MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator · GitHub Task 1: Create and configure Azure AD users To assign custom roles to a user, your organization needs Azure AD Premium P1 or P2. This is Azure AD free, can only use built-in. Open an InPrivate browser window and sign in to the Azure portal using the newly […]

5 min Azure Functions compute with powershell log analytics workspace Use logging like this So we followed the tutorial and created a log analytics workspace Then we added that workspace to the function app to store logs for 7 days The we can do query’s on logs We can now set up the logging in the app example,“ALERTMSG-COIN”) Then we can set up […]

5 min Azure Functions compute with powershell 3 steps (az login) publish*

Jump to Most used commands and quick guide Deployment technologies in Azure Functions Deployment technologies in Azure Functions | Microsoft Learn Create a Python function in Azure from the command line Create a Python function from the command line – Azure Functions | Microsoft Learn Check environment, after all prerequisites is installed. Prerequisite check Powershell […]

5 min Azure Functions compute 2

Overview Azure Functions Overview | Microsoft Learn Create a Python function using Visual Studio Code – Azure Functions | Microsoft Learn Follow the stuff with run locally Files Init default Run it f5, view terminal Visit URL Stop shift + f5 stop if shift + 5, and press any key in terminal Folder structure, […]

Azure Python web app

Quickstart: Deploy a Python (Django or Flask) web app to Azure – Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn App service plan is select when you create the web app, the free is not good, so updated it to: Dev/Test 100 total ACU Copy the url from the app service No code yet

AZ-104: Lab Monitor and back up Azure resources (Interactive lab simulation)

Configure file and folder backups Describe Azure backup benefits Azure Backup offers multiple components that you download and deploy on the appropriate computer, server, or in the cloud. The component, or agent, that you deploy depends on what you want to protect. All Azure Backup components (no matter whether you’re protecting data on-premises or in […]

Azure sla

99% = 7h 18m 17s 99.5% = 3h 39m 8s 99.95% = 21m 54s 99.9% = 43m 49s 99.99% = 4m 22s 99.999% = 26s Service Level Agreements Summary | Microsoft Azure In Azure, there are different SLAs for Virtual Machine. 99.9% — This is the SLA for a single instance Virtual Machine. Azure guarantees […]

What is Azure Admin AZ-104?

Skills Measured• Manage Azure identities and governance (15–20%)• Implement and manage storage (15–20%)• Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20–25%)• Configure and manage virtual networking (20-25%)• Monitor and maintain Azure resources (10–15%) Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator – Certifications | Microsoft Learn Overview for administrator Azure NSG […]