After installing RabbitMQ and enable rabbitmq management, you get access to the api RabbitMQ Management HTTP API RabbitMQ Management HTTP API If we look at the reference for queues We can run the query with bash in Git Bash on windows. and we see the test_queue If we just use the browser And the result […]

Zabbix agent

4 Windows agent installation from MSI (zabbix.com) After you have installed Zabbix on a VM and MySQL or PostGreSQL on a another VM it is time to start collecting data from the servers you want to monitor. Install Zabbix Agent on Windows (msi) | Server Monitoring Guide (bestmonitoringtools.com) Install agent msi On the host you […]

Zabbix traffic

Enterprise IT monitoring with Zabbix Scaling to Large Environments Zabbix has been designed to scale from small environments with a few devices to large ones with thousands of monitored devices. There are Zabbix installations out there with over 100,000 devices monitored, showing that Zabbix is able to process more than 3,000,000 checks per minute using […]

Logstash on windows

Just a test run, download logstash v.v.v. Running Logstash on Windows | Logstash Reference [8.3] | Elastic https://www.coretechnologies.com/products/AlwaysUp/Apps/InstallLogstashAsAWindowsService.html To install Logstash as a Windows Service: If necessary, download, install and configure Logstash. You can grab the Logstash zip file from the Elastic web site and expand its contents to a location of your choice. Note […]

Azure monitor

Azure Monitor overview – Azure Monitor | Microsoft Docs Must of the resources does not have monitoring enabled by default. Search monitor in Azure. Now lets have a look at Diagnostics settings under monitor Her we see that all is disabled, to enable it diagnostics (log and more), press the resource. If we press the […]

Zabbix 6 good practice 2022 + Azure install 2 VM’s (zabbix and mysql)

Note: Install Zabbix Server package without installing MySQL server : zabbix (reddit.com) software installation – What are the implications of –no-install-recommends (apt-get install)? – Ask Ubuntu Note check mysql installed It must be the last package Does MySQL get installed, is zabbix-server-mysql MySql: Getting Zabbix 6, there are 4 ways, 5 with Azure market. Microsoft […]

5 min Network watcher

Start by search “Network watcher” , to get the all the functions IP FLOW Lets test the IP flow for a VM from. There are two IP addresses for cn.bing.com: 202.89. 233.100 and 202.89. 233.101 (from nslookup). For this VM we are using a VNET with a global NSG. Success, and we see what rule it is. Lets remove […]

5 Min Azure quickstart github

All the templates from the repository can be deployd with one click and a small bit of configuration. The configuration is usually for the resource group and name(s) azure-quickstart-templates/quickstarts at master · Azure/azure-quickstart-templates · GitHub If we take a look at microsoft.storage, we see there is a “Deploy to Azure” button. We can test the […]