az-ps1 and cli reference


Bash or cli


PowerShell commands typically consist of a verb-noun pair, where the verb indicates the action to be performed and the noun represents the resource or object being acted upon. Here are some of the most important verbs used in PowerShell Azure commands:

Get: Retrieves information about a resource or object. For example, Get-AzResourceGroup retrieves information about a specific resource group.

Set: Modifies the properties of an existing resource or object. For example, Set-AzVM modifies the properties of an existing virtual machine.

New: Creates a new resource or object. For example, New-AzResourceGroup creates a new resource group.

Remove: Deletes an existing resource or object. For example, Remove-AzResourceGroup deletes a specific resource group.

Start: Starts a stopped or deallocated resource. For example, Start-AzVM starts a stopped virtual machine.

Stop: Stops a running resource. For example, Stop-AzVM stops a running virtual machine.

Restart: Restarts a running resource. For example, Restart-AzVM restarts a running virtual machine.

Suspend: Suspends a running resource. For example, Suspend-AzVM suspends a running virtual machine.

Resume: Resumes a suspended resource. For example, Resume-AzVM resumes a suspended virtual machine.

MS Learn

Introduction – PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

Powershell quick reference

quickguides/powershell_langref_v7.pdf at main · spawnmarvel/quickguides · GitHub

Connect to Azure using Powershell (Module -Name Az must be installed)

Install Az module

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force
# Take a coffee, this takes time, answer Yx2 and wait, when done, close/open Powershell and verify module
Minimum Powershell v is 5.1, 7.3
Get-InstalledModule -Name Az


Connect-AzAccount -TenantId The-tenant-id-we-copied-from-azure-ad
# Login and verify
Get-AzResourceGroup | Get-Member
# other useful


New-AzResourceGroup -Name az104-09b-rg1 -Location "East US"


Get-AzResourceGroup -Name 'az104*'
$rv = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name 'az104*'
Write-Host $rv.ResourceGroupName


# Remove all and the resource group
Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $rv.ResourceGroupName | Remove-AzResourceGroup -Force -AsJob


$rg = Get-AzResource -Name "testit3straccount"
Write-Host $rg.ResourceId

Move-AzResource -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -DestinationResourceGroupName "test-it5"

# test-it3, WE, testit3straccount WE. test-it5, EU, testit3straccount WE.

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -TempFile thefile -TemplateParameterFile theparamfile -whatif || -verbose || – debug

$rgname = "az104-06-rg1-682093"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgname -Location "west europe" -Force
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $rgname -TemplateFile .\az104-06-vms-loop-template.json -TemplateParameterFile .\az104-06-vms-loop-parameters.json -WhatIf

$location = (Get-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName $rgName).location
$vmNames = (Get-AzVm = -ResourceGroupName $rgName).Name

foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {Set AzVmExtension .... }

rm in bulk

$rgs = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name "az104*" 

Write-Host $rgs.ResourceGroupName

# az104-03a-rg2 az104-03a-rg3 az104-03a-rg1 az104-03b-rg1 az104-03c-rg1 az104-03d-rg1

foreach ($rg in $rgs) { Write-Host $rg.ResourceGroupName }

foreach ($rg in $rgs) {Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $rg.ResourceGroupName | Remove-AzResourceGroup -Force -AsJob }

Id     Name            PSJobTypeName   State         HasMoreData     Location             Command
--     ----            -------------   -----         -----------     --------             -------
2      Long Running O… AzureLongRunni… Running       True            localhost            Remove-AzResourceGroup
3      Long Running O… AzureLongRunni… Running       True            localhost            Remove-AzResourceGroup
4      Long Running O… AzureLongRunni… Running       True            localhost            Remove-AzResourceGroup
5      Long Running O… AzureLongRunni… Running       True            localhost            Remove-AzResourceGroup
6      Long Running O… AzureLongRunni… Running       True            localhost            Remove-AzResourceGroup
7      Long Running O… AzureLongRunni… Running       True            localhost            Remove-AzResourceGroup

AZ Powershell Reference

Bash or cli

Connect to Azure from Az CLI (must be installed) using Git Bash (must be installed) :

Install the Azure CLI for Windows | Microsoft Learn

az login

az login
# or
az login --tenant The-tenant-id-we-copied-from-azure-ad

az resource list

az resource list --resource-group $rg

az storage account show

az storage account show --resource-group $rg --name testit3straccount

az storage account show –query

az storage account show --resource-group $rg --name testit3straccount --query "[location]"

az storage account show --resource-group $rg --name testit3straccount --query "[location,accessTier]"

az cm create

Exercise – Create an Azure Virtual Machine – Training | Microsoft Learn

az vm create \
  --resource-group test-it4 \
  --name vm-test-it4 \
  --image UbuntuLTS \
  --admin-username azureuser \

ssh -l user ip

ssh -l azureuser
# using ssh keys added to our file

az vm extension set

az vm extension set \
  --resource-group test-it4 \
  --vm-name vm-test-it4 \
  --name customScript \
  --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
  --version 2.1 \
  --settings '{"fileUris":[""]}' \
  --protected-settings '{"commandToExecute": "./"}'

service nginx status

service nginx status

Add NSG 80 inbound


az network vnet create (3 vnets)

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] \
    --name SalesVNet \
    --address-prefixes \
    --subnet-name Apps \
    --subnet-prefixes \
    --location northeurope

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] \
    --name MarketingVNet \
    --address-prefixes \
    --subnet-name Apps \
    --subnet-prefixes \
    --location northeurope

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] \
    --name ResearchVNet \
    --address-prefixes \
    --subnet-name Data \
    --subnet-prefixes \
    --location westeurope

az network vnet list

az network vnet list --query "[?contains(provisioningState, 'Succeeded')]" --output table

az network vnet peering create

az network vnet peering create \
    --name SalesVNet-To-MarketingVNet \
    --remote-vnet MarketingVNet \
    --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] \
    --vnet-name SalesVNet \

# Run the following command to create a reciprocal connection from MarketingVNet to SalesVNet. This step completes the connection between these virtual networks.

az network vnet peering create \
    --name MarketingVNet-To-SalesVNet \
    --remote-vnet SalesVNet \
    --resource-group [sandbox resource group name] \
    --vnet-name MarketingVNet \

Exercise – Create custom routes – Training | Microsoft Learn

# run the following command to create a route table.
  az network route-table create \
        --name publictable \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \
        --disable-bgp-route-propagation false

# create a custom route.
  az network route-table route create \
        --route-table-name publictable \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \
        --name productionsubnet \
        --address-prefix \
        --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance \
# Create a virtual network and subnets
  az network vnet create \
        --name vnet \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \
        --address-prefixes \
        --subnet-name publicsubnet \

 az network vnet subnet create \
        --name privatesubnet \
        --vnet-name vnet \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \

  az network vnet subnet create \
        --name dmzsubnet \
        --vnet-name vnet \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \

# You should now have three subnets. Run the following command to show all of the subnets in the vnet virtual network.
az network vnet subnet list \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \
        --vnet-name vnet \
        --output table
# Run the following command to associate the route table with the public subnet.
az network vnet subnet update \
        --name publicsubnet \
        --vnet-name vnet \
        --resource-group test-it7customroutes \
        --route-table publictable

The custom route should be used with an NVA (Network Virtual Appliances ). NVA is typically used to control the flow of traffic between network segments classified with different security levels, for example between a De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) Virtual Network and the public Internet.

AZ commands

az | Microsoft Learn

AZ CLI Reference

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