Az Lab 09c – Implement Azure Kubernetes Service

AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/ at master · MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator · GitHub Task 1: Register the Microsoft.Kubernetes and Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration resource providers.Task 2: Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service clusterTask 3: Deploy pods into the Azure Kubernetes Service clusterTask 4: Scale containerized workloads in the Azure Kubernetes service cluster A Pod always runs on a Node. A Node is a worker machine […]

Az Lab 11 – Implement Monitoring

AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/ at master · MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator · GitHub Task 1: Provision the lab environmentTask 2: Register the Microsoft.Insights and Microsoft.AlertsManagement resource providersTask 3: Create and configure an Azure Log Analytics workspace and Azure Automation-based solutionsTask 4: Review default monitoring settings of Azure virtual machinesTask 5: Configure Azure virtual machine diagnostic settingsTask 6: Review Azure Monitor functionalityTask […]

Az Lab 10 – Backup virtual machines (delete vault)

AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/ at master · MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator ( Task 1: Provision the lab environmentTask 2: Create a Recovery Services vaultTask 3: Implement Azure virtual machine-level backupTask 4: Implement File and Folder backupTask 5: Perform file recovery by using Azure Recovery Services agentTask 6: Perform file recovery by using Azure virtual machine snapshots (optional)Task 7: Review the Azure […]

Az Lab 08 – Manage Virtual Machines Task 1: Deploy zone-resilient Azure virtual machines by using the Azure portal and an Azure Resource Manager templateTask 2: Configure Azure virtual machines by using virtual machine extensionsTask 3: Scale compute and storage for Azure virtual machinesTask 4: Register the Microsoft.Insights and Microsoft.AlertsManagement resource providersTask 5: Deploy zone-resilient Azure virtual machine scale sets by […]

Azure Lab 06 – Implement Traffic Management (hub and spoke network topology) Task 1: Provision the lab environmentTask 2: Configure the hub and spoke network topologyTask 3: Test transitivity of virtual network peeringTask 4: Configure routing in the hub and spoke topologyTask 5: Implement Azure Load BalancerTask 6: Implement Azure Application Gateway Task 1: Provision the lab environment From the Cloud Shell pane, run the following […]

Azure Lab Add your custom domain name to Azure AD

Add your custom domain – Azure Active Directory – Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn The unverified domain is added. The page appears showing your DNS information. Save this information. You need it later to create a TXT record to configure DNS. Add your DNS information to the domain registrarAfter you add your custom domain […]

Azure Lab 05 – Implement Intersite Connectivity (mesh topology)

Contoso has its datacenters in Boston, New York, and Seattle offices connected via a mesh wide-area network links, with full connectivity between them. Task 1: Provision the lab environmentTask 2: Configure local and global virtual network peeringTask 3: Test intersite connectivity Task 1: Provision the lab environment In this task, you will deploy three […]

MediaWiki on a stick

Clean the stick, right click and format Run Your Personal Wikipedia from a USB Stick ( Download XAMPP ( Go Allow Panel Or Once XAMPPLite is saved to your flash drive, to start it up, double-click on the xampp-control.exe MediaWiki The MediaWiki software is used by tens of thousands of websites and thousands of companies […]

Azure Lab 04 – Implement Virtual Networking (internal/external DNS) Task 1: Create and configure a virtual networkTask 2: Deploy virtual machines into the virtual networkTask 3: Configure private and public IP addresses of Azure VMsTask 4: Configure network security groupsTask 5: Configure Azure DNS for internal name resolutionTask 6: Configure Azure DNS for external name resolution Task 1: Create and configure a virtual […]