RabbitMQ and ASB or AEV

Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0 support in Service Bus AMQP allows for interconnecting connecting brokers directly, for instance using routers like Apache Qpid Dispatch Router or broker-native “shovels” like the one of RabbitMQ. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-amqp-overview How to integrate Service Bus with RabbitMQHere’s a few scenarios in which we can make use of these capabilities: Steps: […]

How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04

How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOcean Install nginx If you get a Status: inactive message when running the ufw status command, it means that the firewall is not yet enabled on the system. You will need to run a command to enable it. By default, when UFW is enabled, it blocks external […]

Decrease a Disk Size on Azure VM

https://paulnune.medium.com/decrease-a-disk-size-on-azure-vm-8deec4947753 Keep a backupAttach a new data disk of smaller sizeStop services that is using the old data driveRobocopy or reinstall stuff to the new data driveDelete old disk when all is verified again

Implement CI/CD with GitHub – Deploy Azure Functions steps

Implement CI/CD with GitHub – Deploy Azure Functions – DEV Community 1 Create an Azure Function Apprg, storage account, function app, not deployment is set up yet.To set up deployment, webapipython | Deployment Center, we do that later 2 Create a GitHub repositorytest-webapipython git@github.com:spawnmarvel/test-webapipython.git 3 Clone GitHub Function repository /c/giti2023$ git clone git@github.com:spawnmarvel/test-webapipython.git 4 Link […]

Understanding the changes in the Root CA change for Azure Database for MySQL single server (SSL)

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/mysql/single-server/concepts-certificate-rotation#create-a-combined-ca-certificate They changed supplier Download new cert from link and edit in your connection string Connect with HeidiSQL and check version That is if ssl in enforced in mysql for single server and version is selected, i.e 1.2 in Azure. Note This article applies to Azure Database for MySQL – Single Server ONLY. For Azure […]

Linux fu

Learning | Linux Journey Learn Linux with Azure VM Getting Started Command Line Text-Fu Advanced Text-Fu User Management Permissions Processes Packages Devices The Filesystem Boot the System Kernel Init Process Utilization Logging Networking Nomad Networking Sharing Network Basics Subnetting Routing Network Config Troubleshooting DNS

Transform data in delta lake using mapping data flows data factory pipe

In this tutorial, you’ll use the data flow canvas to create data flows that allow you to analyze and transform data in Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2 and store it in Delta Lake. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/tutorial-data-flow-delta-lake#next-steps The file that we are transforming in this tutorial is MoviesDB.csv, which can be found here. To retrieve the file […]

Copy and create a data factory by using the Azure portal with pipeline 1,2,3

1 Quickstart: Create a data factory by using the Azure portal Create an Azure Data Factory – Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Learn Create the factory Advanced creation in the Azure portal Integrate with git later Make private endpoint to a vnet (for now) Resources Pricing Data Pipeline Pricing and FAQ – Data Factory | […]

TODO Azure Synapse Analytics 2

Tutorial: Get started with Azure Synapse Analytics – Azure Synapse Analytics | Microsoft Learn STEP 1 – Create and setup a Synapse workspaceSTEP 2 – Analyze using a serverless SQL poolSTEP 3 – Analyze using a Data Explorer poolSTEP 4 – Analyze using Apache SparkSTEP 5 – Analyze using a dedicated SQL poolSTEP 6 – […]