apt update, synchronize the list of packages and their versions that are available from ubuntu servers.
apt upgrade, downloads and upgrade packages to the newest versions available.
# 1. Identify the Package
# apt search <keyword or partial package name>
apt search firefox
# Before installing or upgrading any package, it is recommended to update the package list
sudo apt update
# Once you know the package name, use the following command to upgrade it to the latest available version:
# sudo apt install --only-upgrade <package_name>
sudo apt install --only-upgrade firefox
# * **`sudo`**: This command executes the following command
with root privileges, as package management operations require elevated
# * **`apt install`**: This is the core command for installing
and upgrading packages.
# * **`--only-upgrade`**: This flag tells `apt` to only
upgrade the specified package, without installing any other dependencies or
packages. This ensures a focused update.
# * **`<package_name>`**: Replace this with the actual
name of the package you want to update.
# After the upgrade, you can check the installed version of the package using the following command:
apt show <package_name>
Vikuna 2
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade example-package
# Alternatively, if you just want to install the latest version of a package without checking for updates on all other installed packages, you can use the `install` command instead of `upgrade`. This will reinstall the package with the latest version. Here's how you can do it:
sudo apt install example-package
The sudo apt update command is a Linux/Debian system administration command that updates the list of available packages and their versions stored in the system’s package index.
man apt
apt - command-line interface
apt [-h] [-o=config_string] [-c=config_file] [-t=target_release] [-a=architecture] {list | search | show |
update | install pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]... | remove pkg... | upgrade |
full-upgrade | edit-sources | {-v | --version} | {-h | --help}}
Lets take a close look since we used apt update
- apt update
- apt upgrade
- apt full-upgrade
- apt install, reinstall, remove, purge
Options (man apt-get)
- –no-install-recomends
- -d, –download-only
- -f, –fix-broken
- -s –simulate
- -y, –yes, –assume-yes
- –assume-no
- -v, verbose-version
–y takes all
lets run it
sudo apt upgrade
Without the yes, it prompts for all upgrades
Like this
Zabbix minor update easy (apache2 also?) – e-lo:Engineer log out. (follow-e-lo.com)
Here you can see that apt update, upgrade takes care of minor releases of a installed software.