Containerize a Python application docker pri

Containerize a Python application | Docker Docs


learning-docker/1.3-containerize-python-application at main · spawnmarvel/learning-docker · GitHub

We have our code and we are ready to test it

All it does it log and gracefully stop

Build the app

The docker build command builds Docker images from a Dockerfile and a “context”. A build’s context is the set of files located in the specified PATH or URL. The build process can refer to any of the files in the context.

docker build | Docker Docs

docker image build -t python-boil .


We now have a image

Run the app

# good for debugging to see that it works
# Run it, --rm removed on stop or ctrl c, -t tag
docker run --name python-test --rm -t python-boil

# good when you are done with debugging
# Run it, --d detached in background for ever instead of opening a new terminal
docker run --name python-test -d -t python-boil

We now have an container of the images

lets enter the container and check activity



docker exec -it python-test bash

lets check pip3 requirements

exit to exit exec.

Lets check logs in the application, connect and run tail.


Update the application

Update the to log:

#"Sleeping....")"Sleeping long tomorrow....")

To rebuild, remove container and image (and volume if you have that) and build it again and run it.

Share the application push and pull

cd python-boiler

# if we are good, then build it
docker image build -t python-boiler .

# good for debugging to see that it works
# Run it, --rm removed on stop or ctrl c, -tag tag
docker run --name python-test --rm -t python-boiler

sign in, create repos, give it a name.

Login to docker

docker login -u YOUR-USER-NAME

# Use the docker tag command to give the python-boiler image a new name. Replace YOUR-USER-NAME with your Docker ID.
docker tag python-boiler YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

# push the images
docker push YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

On the hub we now have the image

Now lets pull this image

docker pull YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler
# using default tag: lates
# [...]

# view it
docker image ls
# REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
# YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler   latest    5917cf27bc1d   14 hours ago   130MB
# python-boiler            latest    5917cf27bc1d   14 hours ago   130MB

# run it
docker YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

Update the image and code

# view it
docker images

# edit
#"Sleeping long tomorrow....")
#"Sleeping long tomorrow also....")

# test it

# remove the old image
dokcker image ls

docker rmi '<ID>' --force

# re build it
docker image build -t python-boiler .

# good for debugging to see that it works
# Run it, --rm removed on stop or ctrl c, -tag tag
docker run --name python-test --rm -t python-boiler

# Use the docker tag command to give the python-boiler image a new name. Replace YOUR-USER-NAME with your Docker ID.
docker tag python-boiler YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

# push the images
docker push YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

# pull it
docker pull YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

# run it
docker run YOUR-USER-NAME/python-boiler

Use Docker Compose

sudo nano compose.yml

        build: .
            - .:/code
            - app_network

docker compose up

# ctrl c for exit

Our new image

our new container

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