learning-docker/2-azure-container-instance at main · spawnmarvel/learning-docker · GitHub
Exercise – Control restart behavior
use gitbash with az cli or login to a linux vm and install az cli, the run az login –tenant TENANT-ID

Or use putty or cloud shell

az container create --resource-group Rg-uk-learn-aci-001 --name mycontainer-restart-demo --image --restart-policy OnFailure --location uksouth

Use cli or portal to check status, runs, logs and more.


Exercise – Set environment variables
$COSMOS_DB_NAME specifies your unique database name. The command prints the endpoint address for your database. Here, the command saves this address to the Bash variable COSMOS_DB_ENDPOINT.
Run az cosmosdb keys list
to get the Azure Cosmos DB connection key and store it in a Bash variable named COSMOS_DB_MASTERKEY
Then we get the primary key from here

stored in bash.

Deploy a container that works with your database
The two environment variables you created in the last part, COSMOS_DB_ENDPOINT
, hold the values you need to connect to the Azure Cosmos DB instance.

Get the ip, In a browser, go to your container’s IP address.

Although these values don’t appear to your users through the voting application, it’s a good security practice to ensure that sensitive information (such as connection keys) isn’t stored in plain text.
Secure environment variables prevent clear text output. To use secure environment variables, use the --secure-environment-variables
argument instead of the --environment-variables
make a new new container with secure-envirnment-variables

Exercise – Use data volumes

Get key and mount it when making the container
az container create --resource-group Rg-uk-learn-aci-001 --name aci-demo-files --image --location uksouth --ports 80 --ip-address Public --azure-file-volume-account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --azure-file-volume-account-key $STORAGE_KEY --azure-file-volume-share-name aci-share-demo --azure-file-volume-mount-path /aci/logs/

Now visit ip

Submit text


cat it with linux or view it in portal

Exercise – Troubleshoot Azure Container Instances
Get the logs

Get events

Execute a command in your container

cat Dockerfile

Monitor CPU and memory usage on your container

In the Azure portal, Azure Container Instances CPU and memory usage information look like this: