Azure Function Python step 6 github repos kusto and table storage*

Github repos 101

spawnmarvel/azure-functions: Testing and learning Azure functions (

Log stream

In the function app we have some options for viewing files, insights and more. Lets look at log stream.

Connect and wait abit, default log level is verbose.

Lets start with the initial.'Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')

Log analytics and Kusto

We can query all log statments, lets start with the initial.

# To generate custom logs, use the logging statement specific to your language. Here are sample code snippets:'Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')

Monitoring Azure Functions with Azure Monitor Logs | Microsoft Learn

On the function app

Add diagnostics and pint it to the correct storage account

Querying the logs

Wait 5-10 min to be sure that it is ready.

When it is ready you should see functionapplogs

Browse the logs, when they are ready

//The take operator is perfect for this task, because it returns a specific number of arbitrary rows.
// You’ll use the project operator to define which columns you want to see in the output and also to define new columns on the fly on the tabular.

| project TimeGenerated, HostInstanceId, Message
| where Message == "SOLNOK:"
| take 2

Default retention for functionapplogs

Alerts and logic app

Create a logic app with consumption plan

Go to designer and use http

Go to the log analytics workspace and logs

then go log management and function app logs

| project TimeGenerated, HostInstanceId, Message
| where Message == "ALERTMSG-COIN"

Now we can create alert rule.





Email/SMS message/Push/Voice: Send various notification types to specific recipients.

We can also save the query to the default query pack


Test email

verify alerts and mail group

update 19.03.2024

Insert into table storage

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