ansible –version
ansible 2.10.8
When creating a vm and the nic:
TASK [Create virtual network inteface card] ****************************************************************************************************
[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Setting ip_configuration flatten is deprecated and will be removed. Using ip_configurations list to define the ip
configuration. This feature will be removed in version 2.9. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in
changed: [localhost]
- name: Create virtual network interface card
resource_group: ResourceGroup1
name: nic12
virtual_network: vnet12
subnet: subnet
public_ip_name: public-ip12
security_group: network-security-group12
How can we fix this?
Have a look at the docs for ip_configuration.
There are examples at the end.
Our code that caused the warning.
- name: Create virtual network interface card
resource_group: ResourceGroup1
name: nic12
virtual_network: vnet12
subnet: subnet
public_ip_name: public-ip12
security_group: network-security-group12

After looking at the docs, we also gave the ip_configuration a name config1, instead of default.
- name: Create virtual network interface card
resource_group: ResourceGroup2
name: nic12
virtual_network: vnet12
subnet: subnet
security_group: network-security-group12
- name: ipconfig1
public_ip_address_name: public-ip12
primary: True
ansible-playbook createvm/main.yml