Virtual machines (VMs) in Azure can have multiple virtual network interface cards (NICs) attached to them.
A common scenario is to have different subnets for front-end and back-end connectivity.
You can associate multiple NICs on a VM to multiple subnets, but those subnets must all reside in the same virtual network (vNet).
Vnet -> subnets
And two nics
Create a VM with a static private IP address – Azure portal | Microsoft Learn
- On the Network interface page, under Settings, select IP configurations.
- In IP configurations, select ipconfig1 in the list.
- Under Assignment, select Static. Change the private IP address if you want a different one, and then select Save.
- Warning
If you change the private IP address, the VM associated with the network interface will be restarted to utilize the new IP address.
Add a NIC to an existing VM
To add a virtual NIC to an existing VM, you deallocate the VM, add the virtual NIC, then start the VM. Different VM sizes support a varying number of NICs, so size your VM accordingly.
If needed, you can resize a VM.
Running VM
Stop the VM
Add nic
Create rg-test-uk-south-01
Add Nsg
Create, change, or delete an Azure network security group | Microsoft Learn
Apply it to the vnet in Sweden Central
Nope, it must be in same region
Apply it to the vm NIC in Sweden Central
Nope, it must be in same region