AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator/ at master · MicrosoftLearning/AZ-104-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator · GitHub

Task 1: Deploy a Docker image by using the Azure Container Instance
Task 2: Review the functionality of the Azure Container Instance

Task 1: Deploy a Docker image by using the Azure Container Instance

Note: Wait for the deployment to complete. This should take about 3 minutes.

Note: While you wait, you may be interested in viewing the code behind the sample application. To view it, browse the \app folder.

Task 2: Review the functionality of the Azure Container Instance

In this task, you will review the deployment of the container instance.

On the deployment blade, click the Go to resource link.

On the Overview blade of the container instance, verify that Status is reported as Running.

Copy the value of the container instance FQDN, open a new browser tab, and navigate to the corresponding URL.

Verify that the Welcome to Azure Container Instance page is displayed.

Close the new browser tab, back in the Azure portal, in the Settings section of the container instance blade, click Containers, and then click Logs.

Verify that you see the log entries representing the HTTP GET request generated by displaying the application in the browser.

Instance or apps scale?