Azure Lab 05 – Implement Intersite Connectivity (mesh topology)

Contoso has its datacenters in Boston, New York, and Seattle offices connected via a mesh wide-area network links, with full connectivity between them. Task 1: Provision the lab environmentTask 2: Configure local and global virtual network peeringTask 3: Test intersite connectivity Task 1: Provision the lab environment In this task, you will deploy three […]

MediaWiki on a stick

Clean the stick, right click and format Run Your Personal Wikipedia from a USB Stick ( Download XAMPP ( Go Allow Panel Or Once XAMPPLite is saved to your flash drive, to start it up, double-click on the xampp-control.exe MediaWiki The MediaWiki software is used by tens of thousands of websites and thousands of companies […]

Azure Lab 04 – Implement Virtual Networking (internal/external DNS) Task 1: Create and configure a virtual networkTask 2: Deploy virtual machines into the virtual networkTask 3: Configure private and public IP addresses of Azure VMsTask 4: Configure network security groupsTask 5: Configure Azure DNS for internal name resolutionTask 6: Configure Azure DNS for external name resolution Task 1: Create and configure a virtual […]

5 min Azure Functions compute with powershell 4 Github Actions 1 Create repos 2 Clone with cli 3 Make the function project and function 4 Visit URL http://localhost:7071/api/coinfun01prod 5 Push with cli Make the function app same as qa but add deployment But error Installation failure – “Cannot find SourceControlToken with name GitHub” This error occurs due to connecting Github to multiple […]

Azure DevOps Pipelines CI/CD 2

Continue from New free organization New project New pipeline Oauth to git Created a new repos for test spawnmarvel/dev-ops01: Test Azure DevOps ( Select it Approve and install Azure Pipelines Start with minimal pipeline Pipeline Lets take a step back, what do we have here Got to the ULR YAML schema reference | Microsoft Learn […]

5 Min Azure private DNS zone

Quickstart: Create an Azure private DNS zone using the Azure portal Create a private DNS zoneCreate the virtual network and subnet Link the virtual network Create the test virtual machine Since we enabled auto registration we now have the following in the private zone Create an additional DNS record The following example creates a record […]