Azure Lab 05 – Implement Intersite Connectivity (mesh topology)

Contoso has its datacenters in Boston, New York, and Seattle offices connected via a mesh wide-area network links, with full connectivity between them.

Task 1: Provision the lab environment
Task 2: Configure local and global virtual network peering
Task 3: Test intersite connectivity

Task 1: Provision the lab environment

In this task, you will deploy three virtual machines, each into a separate virtual network, with two of them in the same Azure region and the third one in another Azure region.

# The first two virtual networks and a pair of virtual machines will be deployed in [Azure_region_1]. 
# The third virtual network and the third virtual machine will be deployed in the same resource group but another [Azure_region_2].
$location1 = "eastus"
$location2 = "westus"
$rgName = "az104-05-rg1"
# -Force is added so we dont get a prompt for Y, N, S
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgName -Location $location1 -Force

# create the three virtual networks and deploy virtual machines into them

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-TemplateFile az104-05-vnetvm-loop-template.json `
-TemplateParameterFile az104-05-vnetvm-loop-parameters.json `
-location1 $location1 `
-location2 $location2 -whatif



      "location1": {
          "type": "string",
          "metadata": {
              "description": "First Azure Region" 
      "location2": {
          "type": "string",
          "metadata": {
              "description": "Second Azure Region" 
"variables": {
    "locationNames": "[createArray(parameters('location1'),parameters('location1'),parameters('location2'))]", 

Lets depoly it and comment out

-location2 $location2  # -whatif


Network mesh

This is what we have now

Task 2: Configure local and global virtual network peering

In this task, you will configure local and global peering between the virtual networks you deployed in the previous tasks.

This step establishes two local peerings – one from az104-05-vnet0 to az104-05-vnet1 and the other from az104-05-vnet1 to az104-05-vnet0.

This step establishes two global peerings – one from az104-05-vnet0 to az104-05-vnet2 and the other from az104-05-vnet2 to az104-05-vnet0.

Network watcher

Navigate back to the Virtual networks blade and, in the list of virtual networks, click az104-05-vnet1.

On the az104-05-vnet1 virtual network blade, in the Settings section, click Peerings and then click + Add.

This step establishes two global peerings – one from az104-05-vnet1 to az104-05-vnet2 and the other from az104-05-vnet2 to az104-05-vnet1.

Network watcher

Task 3: Test intersite connectivity

In this task, you will test connectivity between virtual machines on the three virtual networks that you connected via local and global peering in the previous task.

On the az104-05-vm0 blade, click Connect, in the drop-down menu, click RDP
Test connectivity to az104-05-vm1 (which has the private IP address of over TCP port 3389:

# The test uses TCP 3389 since this is this port is allowed by default by operating system firewall.
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 3389 -InformationLevel 'Detailed'

In the Windows PowerShell console window, run the following to test connectivity to az104-05-vm2 (which has the private IP address of

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 3389 -InformationLevel 'Detailed'

In the list of virtual machines, click az104-05-vm1.

On the az104-05-vm1 blade, click Connect, in the drop-down menu, click RDP, on the Connect with RDP blade, click Download RDP File and follow the prompts to start the Remote Desktop session.

In the Windows PowerShell console window, run the following to test connectivity to az104-05-vm2 (which has the private IP address of over TCP port 3389:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 3389 -InformationLevel 'Detailed'


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