1 Create repos az-func-git-actions
2 Clone with cli
# Bash
$ cd c:\giti2022
$ git clones
3 Make the function project and function
# Powershell in VSC
func init funcprod01 --python
cd .\funcprod01\
func new --name coinfun01prod --template "HTTP trigger" --authlevel "anonymous"
func start
4 Visit URL
5 Push with cli
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "initial"
$ git push origin main
Make the function app same as qa but add deployment
But error
Installation failure – “Cannot find SourceControlToken with name GitHub”
This error occurs due to connecting Github to multiple Azure accounts.
Hm, no OAuth apps
Delete the rg and start over again, no application insight / log analytics, create that separate after. Besides that, same steps, consumption, public etc.
New error for the site
Just create the storage account first probably something with access
Got mail 27 min ago for the first deployment configuration, good.
Ok, storage account is done, with a new name
The function app is created with the same name as pushed to github.
Verify it
To download the publishing profile of your function app:
In GitHub, go to your repository.
Select Settings > Secrets > Actions.
Select New repository secret.
Add a new secret with the name AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE and the value set to the contents of the publishing profile file.
Select Add secret.
GitHub can now authenticate to your function app in Azure.
Understanding GitHub Actions – GitHub Docs
How to: Deploy Azure Functions Using Github Actions (