Exercise – Set up a DSC and configure a desired state – Training | Microsoft Learn
What do we make:
1 Create a VM
PS C:\giti2022\azure-arm-104\3_compute\vm_simple_win> .\deploy_vm.ps1
Open your VM’s port 80 for web traffic:This site can’t be reached
2 Create an Azure Automation account
3 Portal, select the Automation Azure service published by Microsoft
4 Create a DSC configuration script
Run it from local and store it on automation account
PS C:\giti2022\amqp-automation> .\MyFirstPs1Deploy.ps1
# MyFirstDsc.ps1
Configuration MyFirstDsc {
Node "localhost" {
WindowsFeature MyFeatureInstance {
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Web-Server'
# MyFirstPs1Deploy.ps1
Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration `
-Published `
-ResourceGroupName testit2-rg `
-SourcePath "MyFirstDsc.ps1" `
-Force `
-AutomationAccountName testitautomationacc
# First Connect-AzAccount
PS C:\giti2022\amqp-automation> .\MyFirstPs1Deploy.ps1
# output
ResourceGroupName : testit2-rg
AutomationAccountName : testitautomationacc
Location : westeurope
State : Published
Name : MyFirstDsc
Tags : {}
CreationTime : 15.11.2022 17:30:28 +01:00
LastModifiedTime : 15.11.2022 17:30:28 +01:00
Description :
Parameters : {}
LogVerbose : False
Compile the DSC script
In the command bar, select Compile.
In the Compile DSC Configuration dialog box, select Yes.
Check your notifications (notifications icon is in the global controls in the page header). Wait for the compilation job to show Status of Completed, which may take several minutes.
Here it is already compiled
Register the VM with your Azure Automation account
On the State configuration (DSC) pane for [your-automation-account-name], select the Nodes tab. In the command bar, select Add. The Virtual Machines pane for your automation account appears.
Wait until the VM is connected. This process might take a few minutes. When your myVM has connected, in the breadcrumb path in the top left of the portal, select your account automation to close the Registration and Virtual Machines pane. The State configuration (DSC) pane for your automation account appears.
In the command bar, select Refresh.
Verify that the node myVM appears in the list and that its status is Compliant.
Verify that IIS is installed on the VM
In your web browser, go to http://[public-ip], where, [public-ip] is the public IP address that you recorded earlier in this exercise.
You should see the default IIS webpage.
add telnet
Configuration MyFirstDsc {
Node "localhost" {
WindowsFeature MyFeatureInstance {
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'Web-Server'
WindowsFeature Telnet-Client
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Telnet-Client"
Run it from local and compile it again and store it on automation account
and then we wait 15 min (this was what we used initial for the configuration)
Refresh Frequency | 30 |
Configuration Mode Frequency | 15 |
Configuration Mode | ApplyAndMonitor |
Allow Module Override | Select checkbox |
Reboot Node if Needed | Select checkbox |
Action after Reboot | ContinueConfiguration |
and telnet is ready
And there is something new that contains this function
Azure Automanage | Microsoft Learn
Azure Automanage for Windows Server | Microsoft Learn