Zabbix agent

4 Windows agent installation from MSI (

After you have installed Zabbix on a VM and MySQL or PostGreSQL on a another VM it is time to start collecting data from the servers you want to monitor.

Install Zabbix Agent on Windows (msi) | Server Monitoring Guide (

Install agent msi

On the host you want to monitor you have avaliable (after installed)

  • Service
  • Logs
  • Configuration and the tool for zabbix sender

Add a new host in Zabbix, use cmd to get the hostname.

Since we are installing Zabbix agent for windows, you can choose template with predefined items, triggers and graphs.:

  • Windows by Zabbix agent
  • There are actually , (Displaying 1 to 50 of 304 found) 304 templates shipped with Zabbix 6.0L LTS

You must change the interface IP to the where the agent is installed

In Zabbix after configuration:

Check status

Verify that all data is present

Running Zabbix sender
An example of running Zabbix UNIX sender:

shell> cd bin
shell> ./zabbix_sender -z zabbix -s “Linux DB3” -k db.connections -o 43


z – Zabbix server host (IP address can be used as well)
s – technical name of monitored host (as registered in Zabbix frontend)
k – item key
o – value to send

Zabbix sender on Windows can be run similarly:

zabbix_sender.exe [options]

PS C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent> .\zabbix_sender.exe -z xx.xx.xx.20 -p 10051 -s "ps1-script-pc" -k status-script -o 15
Response from "xx.xx.xx.20:10051": "processed: 1; failed: 0; total: 1; seconds spent: 0.000142"
sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1

The item

Remember to add interface and set agent interface IP to where the agent is installed.

Run the script from powershell

View the result in Zabbix

Your agent should be working and collecting data by now, but if you experience any problems, restart Zabbix agent service and check the log “C:\Program Files\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.log“. And if there is nothing unusual in the log file then check the firewall – make sure that TCP port 10050 on the host (where Zabbix agent is installed) and TCP port 10051 on the Zabbix server side are open.

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