Questions to think about:
What are the performance requirements for your Azure file share?
What are your redundancy requirements for your Azure file share?
What size file share do you need?
File share type: SMB connect SMB protocol 3 or higher
Create a storage account:
General purpose version 2 (GPv2) storage accounts: HDD-based, ++
FileStorage storage accounts: SSD-based, ++
Replication: Although this is labeled replication, this field actually means redundancy
Data protection
Secure transfer required:
This field indicates whether the storage account requires encryption in transit for communication to the storage account.
If you require SMB 2.1 support, you must disable this.
Large file shares:up to 100 TiB (LRS, ZRS)
Selecting the blob access tier does not affect the tier of the file share.
(Before you create an Azure filse share on the account, you can:Enable large files shares on an existing account)
Create a file share:
Edit quota also
We can mount it on Windows /Linux/mac but we have already done that in a previous tutorial.
The connect button has a script for win/lin and mac.
Add a directory and upload two file’s from portal, storage explorer or SDK’S.
To give access you have many options: to the account, to the folder, to the files…
Azure Storage File Share client library for Python – Version 12.6.0
Azure Storage File Share client library for Python | Microsoft Docs
Upgrade pip if necessary
pip install azure-storage-file-share
Auth SAS token
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from import ShareServiceClient, generate_account_sas, ResourceTypes, AccountSasPermissions
sas_token = generate_account_sas(
expiry=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)
share_service_client = ShareServiceClient(account_url=”https://
Auth KEY
from import ShareServiceClient
service = ShareServiceClient(account_url=”https://
Connection string
from import ShareServiceClient
connection_string = “DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xxxx;AccountKey=xxxx;”
service = ShareServiceClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=connection_string)
Access the storage account on security + networking
Listing contents of directory with Python:
Here is what we have in the file share:
Now lets list some meta data:
(Python OOP code is at git)
Now lets upload a local file.
New code
# Uploading a file
file_client = ShareFileClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=connection_string, share_name=”testit3fs”, file_path=”testdir/az_local_file.txt”)
with open(“az_local_file.txt”, “rb”) as source_file:
rv = file_client.upload_file(source_file)
Result in VSC
Result in Azure fs
Rotate Key
Now lets rotate the key we used (key 1), we should get a connection error.
Go to storage account->access key->rotatet key 1
Successfully regenerated access key ‘key1’ for storage account ‘testit3straccount’.
- run the python .\
- to list the dirs
- comment out the fs_upload_file()
And we do not have a valid key now as expected.
Get the key 1, Connection string and update the config in the Python project and run the same script
And success
You can also create a share and delete share and files, as well as download.
There are a lot of code ready at:
Azure Storage File Share client library for Python | Microsoft Docs
Just look at section the bottom “More sample code”
or samples
There is also a REST SERVICE for almost everything in Azure