Zabbix Azure

Zabbix Server 5.0 – Medium Performance
This image contains all you need to run Zabbix: Zabbix back-end, Zabbix front-end, Zabbix agent, Nginx as web server, MySQL as database, CentOS as a foundation.

For the SKU we will use a B1s:

We have no money so hdd

Network, all new here:

Management, next, Advanced next, Tag next, review and create..


So the image is for Zabbix is:

Zabbix Server 5.0 – Medium Performance – Gen1

Size of SKU is:

Standard B1s (1 vcpu, 1 GiB memory), not many things will run on this SKU. I just needed to see the price of Zabbix per hour in Azure.

Is it cheaper with a Linux and install it by your self, the same for MySql?

Zabbix and Mysql are free……., but you must pay for the SKU, Disk and other resources in Azure.

This image contains all you need to run Zabbix: Zabbix back-end, Zabbix front-end, Zabbix agent, Nginx as web server, MySQL as database, CentOS as a foundation.

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