Whiteboard (Django 1-5)
Python 3.7 installed pip install virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper-win (remove -win for linux) pip freeze: C:\WINDOWS\system32>pip freeze pbr==5.2.1 six==1.12.0 stevedore==1.30.1 virtualenv==16.6.0 virtualenv-clone==0.5.3 virtualenvwrapper-win==1.2.5 mkvirtualenv whiteboard cd and mkdir into app folder, then setprojectdir . (env) pip install django (env) python -m django –version Then we can start the project: django-admin startproject whitebo Then we get the frame […]
Lean Development
Lean development is the application of Lean principles to software development. Lean got its start in manufacturing, as a way to optimize the production line to minimize waste and maximize value to the customer. These two goals are also relevant to software development, which also follows a repeatable process, requires particular quality standards, and relies […]
Make Python fast, Cython
https://pythonprogramming.net/introduction-and-basics-cython-tutorial/ The purpose of Cython is to act as an intermediary between Python and C/C++. At its heart, Cython is a superset of the Python language, which allows you to add typing information and class attributes that can then be translated to C code and to C-Extensions for Python.
PEP 557 — Data Classes Python-Version: 3.7
A class decorator is provided which inspects a class definition for variables with type annotations as defined in PEP 526, “Syntax for Variable Annotations”. In this document, such variables are called fields. Using these fields, the decorator adds generated method definitions to the class to support instance initialization, a repr, comparison methods, and optionally other […]