Reason Instruments Synths Thor Polysonic Synthesizer Semi-modular instrument with God-like synthesis power. Build your sounds from 50 years of collected synth history. Malström Graintable Synthesizer Fusing the best parts of granular and wavetable synthesis, it has a sound like nothing else. Subtractor Analog Synthesizer Warm, straightforward and easy to use. Subtractor is most Reason users go-to […]

Piano Major Scales/Arpeggios (Reason) Major scales are the most important piano scales: firstly, because they are very common and, secondly, because they are fundamental to understand keys. If you hear someone mention that a piano sonata by the composer and pianist Franz Schubert is played in A Major, it means that it depends on the A Scale. You […]

Flask and Apache Solr 7.5 using HTML input for searching

This post follows up the first one Flask and Apache Solr 7.5. Now we are going to several user inputs for returning values in from Solr. The code is at github: A quick follow up on what we have: Flask is and Solr is running on localhost. The template Search.html has a input field […]