Apache Solr 7.5 create core, alter schema and query for API data

With reference to previous tutorial: Core A single Solr instance, which represents a single Solr index. A core has a different set of configuration files and schema definitions than other cores. Now lets create a new core, after downloading and installing the files, have a look at the readme file in solr-7.5.0 directory (my pc; […]

Solr Terminology: Cores, Collections & Nodes

https://doc.lucidworks.com/lucidworks-hdpsearch/2.5/Guide-Solr.html Solr is the popular open source search solution. Solr can index content from many sources and has integration points for Apache Tika to index rich text documents (Office documents, PDFs, etc.), JSON files, CSV files and Solr-specific XML. Cores, Collections and Clusters Generally speaking, if you use Solr in standalone mode, you have a […]

Apache Solr 7.5 Build book_store index backup / restore

https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/making-and-restoring-backups.html If you are worried about data loss, and of course you should be, you need a way to back up your Solr indexes so that you can recover quickly in case of catastrophic failure. Solr provides two approaches to backing up and restoring Solr cores or collections, depending on how you are running Solr. […]