Zabbix 3.4 trigger functions with Python

So you have all your data, all is sent to Zabbix.

What now……

Zabbix configuration for trigger:

Zabbix supported trigger functions:


Item type of information:

Numeric (unsigned) – 64bit unsigned integer
Numeric (float) – floating point number
Negative values can be stored.
Allowed range: -999999999999.9999 to 999999999999.9999.
Starting with Zabbix 2.2, receiving values in scientific notation is also supported. E.g. 1e+7, 1e-4.
Character – short text data
Log – long text data with optional log related properties (timestamp, source, severity, logeventid)
Text – long text data


So we have created a engine in Python (from pyzabbix import ZabbixMetric, ZabbixSender) with, rpm, heat, fuel and a bit more data.

We also have a fake “alarm” for status if random int > 95.

It looks like this:

Ok, lets get some data into that engine, we will run the Python script a couple of times to fill it with some data and have a look at that.

We will change the dashboard abit also to get the full view of our engine before create the triggers.


Lates values:

And our Dashboard:

Now let’s test som triggers for the values in digits first:

last (sec|#num,<time_shift>), change, avg (sec|#num,<time_shift>) is used here and we have activate three alarms on the dashboard:






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